Thursday, July 1, 2010

30 Days

End of the Month.

I worked hard yesterday - physically - did the workout - did almost 500 jumps (which is good for me although my right knee started hurting a bit) - went for a bike ride and a walk. Today I am slammed with life. My mother coming, house a mess (16 year old boy similar to 2 year old girl Tara...), copyedit job due, Sunday sermon, wedding on Saturday, meeting with dying man and family and preparing for his funeral, paying bills, sigh... life. No exercise yet and it's almost 5PM and I've still got to drive to Montpelier and get my mom. Sorry to bore you all with the grim details of my life.

Still. Body feeling good. Made incredible Mole Chicken with Zuchini and Peas. Should last for several days.

Triceps thingy on chairs - not so good. Thought arms might snap off.

Roll on...roll on... trying to seize the day.


  1. Damn, lady! Heavy stuff you're dealing with there...hell, I'd almost be grateful for the workout just to not have to deal with the other life stuff.

    Chicken sounds amazing! Yum.

  2. aw your a buzy lady! your doing well tho, good work with the jumps! yep im with ya on the tricep things!

  3. So much going on! It's hard to make time for yourself but I hope you can keep doing it. :)

  4. Wow, I'm amazed at all you're dealing with this week! On top of all of it though, lady, your picture is looking great!! (and love the fun pose)
