Thursday, July 29, 2010


World spinning fast.

People are starting to say I look really good. I guess I looked pretty bad but live in a polite world where no one points it out.

So. It's fun to be the recipient of so much encouragement!

I didn't lose any weight this week and I'm glad of it. I've got my appetite back. It hasn't been quite so hot so exercising is easier. I'm best at the easy simple stuff. The kung fu situp I did try on playground over at the school. It was at best a hilarious moment. I have substituted Vsitups. Pull ups are also sort of miniscule midget versions. I had to laugh at myself the other day. Lots of grunting trying to do an actual pull up on this playground high bar thing. Oh well. Might as well laugh. Actually laughing is very similar to crying but not so draining.

The diet is really the thing. I can see that. But the exercising - for me- makes me more aware of my body. Of how I am feeling, of my posture, of muscles I didn't know were there, of my potential strength. The diet has released me from being addicted to food. I've kind of swung a little too far on the pendulum and stopped even liking food very much, but today I made sure to buy some things at the store that I really like - avacado - a great peach - fugi apple - and when I ate I concentrated on taste. My stomach is feeling better overall. Food should be enjoyable and not simply neutral energy. I'll find the balance.

Exercising has been tough here in the valley because I am so exhausted and hot. But this week hasn't been so hot and I've felt better and had more energy to put into pushing my muscles to fatigue. One day at a time.

I didn't get out of shape in 6 weeks. Things take time. enjoy the process says this old lady.



  1. Just lift the knees for the Kung Fus. Don't miss the benefits of the ultimate ab exercise!

  2. Deb, I am using the staircase for Kung-fu sit ups and I can only lift my legs to the height of my waist. It would look fun if 3 year old is doing this but .... I am crunching my teeth, sweating and counting while Queen is singing "Don't stop me now"


  3. You DO look fab, lady!!! So glad you're really connecting with what works for you, and then striving for that all-important balance. Yay for day 60 around the corner!

  4. YEEESSS, enjoy your food! I had a few moments this week when I wasn't enjoying my food, too, but I grilled some shrimp last night that made my mouth water. I wanted to eat them all at once (I didn't). Here's to finding that balance again!

  5. You ARE looking great! It's sometimes hard to hear those kinds of compliments, cause then it's like, "What, did I look terrible before?" I happen to think you didn't look terrible before, but you're looking even better now!
