Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday Day 52

Getting back on the horse. Feeling much better. Putting more into my exercises. Jumping more again.


I hope that was the big valley...???

Took a friend through beautiful Vermont yesterday - up over the mountain (Smuggler's notch), took a dip in a very cold mountain stream, ate healthy all day - even with a dinner out (
italian restaurant - had chicken with marsala sauce which was maybe a little over the border but not much - lots of wonderful veggies. No pasta or bread. And no glass of WINE....)

I'm enjoying weighing less. There seems to be quite an adjustment going on in my body, however, energy levels are confused, I'm getting the message to rest but I get so much sleep at night that I know I don't really need it. It has been a pretty quick weight loss (I've been on the two pounds a month less for the last year and a half) and this time it is more like 2 pounds a week. I've never lost weight this quickly.

What I've lost mostly is an addiction to food - eating for comfort. Eating to cover up painful life experience. I no longer have the impulse to cover up what is happening in me. Food is looking quite a bit more like fuel. That is new. Freedom. A wonderful thing, really, to be released from a kind of compulsion to simply eat for the sake of eating and not connect it with my body's need for energy.


  1. Wow, Deb! (Do you mind if I call you Deb?) You're making serious progress. Everything is starting to smooth out. More importantly, you look happy, more confident, radiant even. :)

    I also feel like maybe I've emerged from the valley. Enjoying workouts more again, and loving the food. Go Team! (Ha, I feel like such a cheerleader...and I was so annoyed by them in high school).

  2. gym is the place to get me active and not to quick weight loss....isn't it?? quick weight loss

  3. Food can exist in both phases, as food and as item of pleasure. The problem is in the modern world we expect every meal to be an adventure of the senses, we expect a meal to ENTERTAIN us. If you can get to the point where 90% of your meals are "fuel" meals then those 10% that are special will REALLY become special.

    Good work!

  4. An addiction to food... that's so true...... I used to chase the food as item of pleasure.
