The flesh has changed but more than that, as my PCP comrades understand, my body is my own again. In the first picture, which is I admit a fairly dreadful picture, I was so ashamed to be "seen in this body." As if it were not even mine. Yes I had been working on losing weight, and had lost over 25 pounds in the year previous. But what has changed is not just my weight loss but who I am.
This program has brought me back to myself.
Through a combination of common sense diet, simple (and hard) exercise, and the support of incredible people who live around the world, I was able to make decisions that lead me back to life.
Look at this elegant babe:

Naoko, my sweet age mate.
Royce, shooting star blazing and gone.
Elena, elegant striving New Yorker.
Jenny, honest, beautiful yearning young woman.
Kowhai, down under loyal, plain speaking achiever.
Tara, mother, eloquent thinker, posting essays each time.
Patrick, stern Zen master.
My eternal thanks for walking this journey with me.
May the road rise to meet us
May the wind be always at our back
May you remember that we are never alone
while we still have the courage to reach out
To strive for the Peak.
Much love,