Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday already

Bought new jeans. Tight black jeans in smallish size. Yeeeeehawww baby I am looking so good. I'll post a picture. I know the half naked pictures of me are quite difficult to take in...honest and bold but they kind of make younger people say oh my God is that middle age?? So some pictures of me with my clothes on will be a relief I am sure. he he he.... Although I do promise that I look great lying down, in candlelight.

I went to the gym. My experience is different than most of you probably - different than Patrick's description. This place I go is for women only - Curves - and mostly older women. It's kind of inspiring actually. The machines are set in a circle (only women would exercise in a circle facing each other...ha ha) and you spend one minute or so on each machine. There are all kinds of women there - fat women, yesterday there was a blind woman, old women (I'm talking in their 80's and 90's) young supple women, and then a bunch of us in the middle. I started going about a year and a half ago - when I decided to live.

At first I could barely do the circuit but I hung in there. The idea is to go three times a week. There are conversations going on - sometimes lots of laughing. Sometimes everyone is quiet. Rarely does any one comment on anyone else's weight - it's not done. We all have this understanding that we're doing the best we can and that weight for American women is a constant burden and worry.

The idea at Curves is mostly to get healthy. The people who work there aren't very glamorous. Carol is in her late 70's and walks 2 miles a day, there's a young woman who has lost 75 pounds this year - she's in college and really funny.

I know what Patrick is trying to get at - that some gyms are all about image and kind of missing the point about healthy food and effective exercise.

I've continued, now and then, to go to Curves - because I like connecting with the women there. Because I can't keep up with the level of jumping (yet) I go to Curves for a half hour of aerobic exercise to keep me moving. My life is pretty solitary (all right lonely!!) and I like going and laughing with a bunch of women who are doing their best to get or stay healthy. One of the drawbacks of the PCP exercise, ultimately, is that it only increases my isolation. I need to find some kind of activity - dancing, tennis, whatever (sex?) that is both social and physically active. Then PCP can continue to be my life line - but with the added fun of group moving....

Okay darling group. Go be beautiful and supple and lithe and all that sweetness.


  1. Haha! Deb, you make me laugh. I like your honest, bold pictures. By God, we better be comfortable with things wrinkling and sagging b/c it happens. I told my Belize man friend that every wrinkle and scar he accumulates makes him more beautiful to me (he had a new vicious scar on his forehead this visit), and it's true. I mean it. Each one tells a story. Ah, but the trick is becoming comfortable with those wrinkles and scars on our own bodies. Now, that IS difficult.

    Also, I kinda used to scoff at Curves, but you've given me a fresh perspective on it. Thank you.

  2. I love your spirit, it comes right through the computer screen to me. Also, if I lived near you, I think I would come to your church just because you sound like the most awesome minister ever. (Even though I'm not much of a church person.)

    I haven't done my gym visit yet, but I think you can definitely get a good workout at a gym if you have the right knowledge. It's just all too easy to waste your time and your money at a gym if you don't know what you're doing. It sounds like Curves is a really supportive environment for you -- so glad you have that.
