Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday Wednesday Time is flying

Ate out last night at cheap mexican place "Moes". Found a "rice/bean/chicken" bowl that was acceptable. You stand in line and tell them what to put on it. No cheese! No sour cream! Yes to Guacamole and lots of veggies! It was good - although salty. I ate 2 chips off my son's plate.

I am trying to work harder at exercising. The main problem is that I still get so out of breath with the jump rope. It's not my muscles, it's my cardio vascular ability. After 100 I have to stop. Maybe I am just being a baby. I don't know. But I feel as if I can't breathe. It takes a few minutes and then I can go again. I am going to really focus on it. My blood pressure is fine - I think my heart is in good condition. Maybe it is just panic? Fear?

Overall I am feeling good, looking good.

Someone asked yesterday how I got my cholesterol so low and I said - a thousand little moments, tiny choices, saying yes to good food, fresh air, exercise, friends and happiness. And no to junky food, lying around, feeling hopeless and giving up. Oh and PCP. Ha... and my pals around the world who keep saying "Go baby go!"


  1. When you get winded from jumping just trying jumping slower (like half-time of normal) until you feel like you can kick it up a notch again. Just keep moving that rope!

  2. I'm sure you can do more than 100. Next time you feel that winded feeling keep going and see what happens. You're not going to collapse in a heap from jumprope because you'll trip way before something like that could happen. It's a self correcting exercise in that sense.

  3. Deb, Patrick said the same thing to me when I told him that I can't go more than 100.
    And I could go over 100 !!!
    When I feel out of breath, I try to inhale deeply from my nose and it helps. Hope it helps you, too !
    Keep trying!!

  4. also try sortv switching between feet while jumping, so right foot, both feet, left foot kinda thing i find this really helps me when im getting tird. you can do it!

  5. A thousand little moments, tiny choices. Yes, that's it. :)

  6. I'm so proud of you about the cholesterol, Deborah. I need to find a way to share your story with some women in my life in a non-threatening way. You are doing such an amazing thing for yourself, obviously, but also SUCH an amazing thing for your son. If he never has to worry about your health or physical well-being for decades to come that is the best gift you can give him!!

  7. AHHH YOU'RE DOING EXCELLENT! CONGRATS on the destruction of the cholesteral
