Friday, August 20, 2010

Refrigerator Photo

Here it is. Local eggs at bottom. Milk. Yogurt. Egg whites. Tomato. Maple Syrup from a church family's maple grove. Chicken. Apples. Huge thing of black beans for my vegetarian son. Onions. Corn on the cob.


  1. what a very beautiful refridgeraator. I wish my eggs had a pink carton.

  2. And they are blue cool is that...I bought them soley based on the color of the egg with the carton.

  3. Gigantic milk container!! Blue eggs in a pink carton!!
    Whole water melon !! And I see my favorite yogurt brand !!!
    Can I come to your house and have breakfast together????

  4. Oh, I love, love blue eggs. Every once in awhile, I get a blue egg or two in my local eggs. I also get the regular white & brown but I save the blues for special occasions. :)
