Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It is late. Day two. I kept putting off the exercise. I got most of the stuff - resistance bands - jump rope (yesterday I used an extension cord). Finally, at dusk, I headed across the street to the empty baseball diamond and started jumping. It was easier. (Not easy mind you...) Yesterday I was shocked by how hard it was. So today I thought it was going to be horrific but I just went slowly, took long breaks between the sets and I did it! Not in any fine fashion...lots of tripping up...panting...leaning over and breathing hard...rolling my eyes...but I did it.

And yes, those leg lift thingys are really hard. Maybe because they were last.

My diet today:

Breakfast: half a protein drink for breakfast (protein powder, yogurt, banana, milk, ice) and two cups of coffee with less half and half than usual.

Lunch: Small serving of last night's chick pea curry for lunch

Snack: A couple of crackers and some cream cheese.

Supper: 1 chicken taco.

Then I got really hungry after I exercised and ate some chips and salsa. I was starving. I stopped myself before I ate too many and drank some coffee instead. I was still hungry so I took a shower. Finally the hunger has abated. Sleep is calling me.

The exercise is hard because I am running out of breath. I think my cardiovascular level is low low low low. It wasn't so much that my muscles wore out. Just my breathing.


This is so cool. I'm already so glad I'm doing this. Life is short. Seize the day and shake it.


  1. You're doing awesome! I say, if you're not breathing heavy, you're not doing it right. Or, something like that. Your heart (cardiovascular-wise, at least) will catch up with your mind!

  2. Using an extension cord as a jumprope. HARDCORE!

  3. I am gobsmacked at what intense exercise jumping rope is. I've never done it before now and WOW. So bravo to you for getting through it all!

  4. Deborah,

    I think it's so awesome that you are doing this, too! I have been watching these pcp projects for months now, hoping that I will find the fortitude to take one up myself in the next year. I really respect you and everyone who has taken the initiative with such a project.

    I just wanted to let you know that I can completely relate with the feeling of being out of breath. I have been working on my own activity levels very slowly over the last six months and I feel constantly limited by the amount of oxygen that my body can process. My body can run, but my lungs can't keep up!! You don't realize how shallow your breathing becomes when you sit at a desk all day and ask very little from your body.

    At any rate, I'm definitely rooting for you! Hopefully some day you will see me up here, too!

